How to FIX computer mouse wheel scrolling problem – How to fix Mouse wheel scrolling Problem

Mouse scroll wheel not working? Don’t buy a new one just yet! Watch this easy DIY fix as we disassemble the Genius Scorpion Spear Pro and get it working again!

💡 Here’s a step-by-step guide:

0:05 ► 1. How to disassemble a computer mouse? – Disassembling the pc mouse.
0:50 ► 2. Check for dirt and clean the wheel.
1:01 ► 3. I flattened the gear a little with pliers and it worked!
In my case, this solved the problem of scrolling the wheel!
1:35 ► 4. Before assembly, you can wash and clean the case.
1:55 ► 5. Assembly the computer mouse.
3:05 ► 5. Checking the mouse wheel.
Your the pc mouse is ready to use again!

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How to Fix a computer mouse Scroll Wheel – Quick and Easy Solutions! Mouse wheel lags.
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How to Fix Your Mouse Scroll Wheel If It’s Not Working – How to Fix Mouse Wheel Scrolling Problem

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