Creative DIY Christmas Ornaments from Plastic Bottles – Upcycle & Shine!

Here are three creative ideas for Christmas tree ornaments made from plastic bottles.
How to make Christmas tree decorations made from plastic bottles step by step.

For this you will need: shampoo bottles, glue, ruler, pencil and scissors.

00:01 ► How to make Christmas tree decorations made from shampoo bottle diy.
06:10 ► I Turned a plastic bottles into SNOWFLAKE decoration.
08:50 ► Christmas star from plastic bottles.

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Are you interested in handiwork or you just have nothing to do? Then you are on the right channel! On our channel you can find a lot of homemade crafts that are hand made, and most importantly that they are all made from improvised tools and at minimal cost diy christmas decorations!

Creating Christmas tree ornaments from plastic bottles is fun, easy, and eco-friendly! Cut out snowflakes, paint them, and add glitter for a festive touch. Turn bottle tops into mini bells with ribbons. Make cute angels using bottle pieces and fabric. Get creative and give your tree a unique upcycled look!

Making Christmas tree ornaments from plastic bottles is a fun, easy, and eco-friendly way to celebrate the holidays!

We recommend watching the video of the craft:

Tool for cutting plastic bottles:
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3D Paper snowflakes handmade | Plastic bottle crafts

It’s easy to make paper snowflakes beautiful, hanging on a wall or in a window. Snowflake of six squares of paper. Shampoo Bottle Reuse Idea. Decoration for home for festive occasions. An unusual figured snowflake 3D. Do yourself a three-dimensional snowflake. 3D paper snowflakes. Snowflake Craft. Xmas Crafts Paper make 3D snowflakes? Snowflake Garland. Snowflakes Diy Paper. Snowflake. christmas tree recycled materials. Easy christmas craft ideas. Eco-friendly crafts.

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